there's so much going on
unspoken in the back
of the mind

August 19, 2017

A week before

So here I am, a week before the day that I've looked up to for the last 6 years having a relationship with a (not so) boy named Johan. I never feel like this before. Obviously nervous yet tremendously happy for the same time. Once in my lifetime, I will walk to the aisle and make a vow to God as follow as "I, take you, for my lawful husband, I promise to be faithful to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life."

I would hate to belittle the joy that the future holds by labeling this single day as “the very happiest.”
The flowers, the gifts and the sparkly dresses are wonderful and exciting things, but those aren’t the things that should be bringing me happiness. The reason for my joy should be the one I'm exchanging rings with.

I hope that when my wedding day comes I will get to wear my dream dress, listen to my best friends give toasts that make me cry and dance with my dads to some cheesy father-daughter love song. I hope I will feel love in ways I’ve never experienced before, and that nothing but happiness will fill my spirit that day, but most of all I hope that happiness is one that doesn’t go away as I ride off into my happily ever after.