there's so much going on
unspoken in the back
of the mind

March 30, 2012

a week

it has been a week.
it means 7 days.
h-1 cry.
h-2 cry, remind of past.
h-3 cry, remind of past, hide.
h-4 cry, remind of past, hide, run from real life.
h-5 cry, remind of past, hide, run from real life, make a fake smile.
h-6 cry, remind of past, hide, run from real life, make a fake smile, think.
h-7, TODAY give up.

give up to cry.
give up to remind of past.
give up to hide.
give up to run from real life.
give up to make a fake smile.

because i think.
nothing would change, even if i cry everyday, it has been decided by him surely.

you think we’d better off this way, ok.
i think i’d better open my eyes, like you did.
or someone had better slap me so i can wake up.
so i can just let you.

March 13, 2012

Man Jadda Wa Jadda

Laporan Praktikum
Diskusi Tutorial
Ujian Course
Ujian Blok

No space left for inhal.
Semangat! Kowawa! Do your best! Ganbatte Kudasai!
Apa lagi ya?
Intinya, harapannya, no inhal untuk semester ini dan semester selanjutnya. Amin Amin Amin.
Faith, Pray, then Work.

March 05, 2012


Dari dulu sampai sekarang, selalu suka laki-laki bergitar. Itu berarti bisa ngiringi nyanyi setiap saat. Dipadu iringan piano juga ciamik. Semoga calonku kelak bisa gitaran. Simpel kan pinginanku hehe. Semoga. 

March 02, 2012

You're not alone

Yes, I make weird noises when I'm bored. I make stupid faces. I talk to myself when no one wants to hear me. I burp when I'm comfortable. I get wedges and I pick them, proudly. I don't have perfect hair. I wishes I could do more productive things in my life rather than wasting my time. And as you read this, I hope you know... You're not alone.


Seumur hidup baru satu kali saya nyontek. Rasanya itu kaya..... pokoknya seakan-akan dibayang-bayangi terus sama orang yang jawabannya saya contek. Nyontek disini maksudnya melirik maupun bertanya dengan sengaja mengenai jawaban sebuah soal pada saat ujian. Kalu nyontek pr sih, sering hehe.
Itu adalah salah satu perbuatan kriminal. Menurut saya. Rasanya nggak enak kan saat semalam sebelum ujian (dan malam-malam sebelumnya) kita belajar mati-matian, terus pada saat ujian ada teman yang menyontek jawabanmu? Dan yang lebih menyakitkan lagi adalah saat kalian tahu bahwa nilai temanmuyang nyontek itu lebih baik daripada nilai yang kau dapatkan dengan hasil kerja keras mu sendiri?
Iya...silakan anggap saya sok suci. Tapi ini prinsip saya. Saya nggak mau nyontek lagi. Mau nilai saya lebih buruk dari mereka yang melakukan perbuatan hina-dina itu, yang penting ini usaha saya sendiri. Rasanya lebih nyesss gitu.

March 01, 2012

Fill The Blank

Dear ______, 

I ____ you. You have a nice ______. You make me _______. You 

should _______. Someday I will ______. You + me = ________. 

If I saw you now I’d __________. I want to ________ you. I 

would build a _______ just 

for you. If I could sing you any song it would be _________. 

We could __________ under the stars. 


(P.S. ______________.)