there's so much going on
unspoken in the back
of the mind

May 27, 2015

Guess who is she

She knows not to get her hopes up as they always come crashing down
She heard it all befor and fell it all
She experienced more than her fair share

One touch and she'll flinch
One harsh word and she'll cry
One bad moment and shel'll break down

She's that vulnerable as she knew what it fell to have her heart shattered before

That's why she trusts no one but herself

April 15, 2015


Feels like this heart was destructed into many pieces. After he said about this shituation that happened in me. Sorry. Sorry for bein like this.

April 04, 2015


"... Dalam kehidupan real, logika hanya dibutuhkan mungkin sepuluh persen. Artinya, yang dibutuhkan sebagian terbesar justru adalah hal-hal yang di luar logika: tenggang rasa, feeling, intuisi, tepo seliro, kearifan. Kita sering justru tidak boleh logis. Misalnya seorang pembantu rumah tangga seperti Mbok Kiyo itu yang sudah setia mengabdi empat puluh tahun dan sekarang sakit-sakitan, terlalu loyo untuk bekerja seperti dulu; apa harus dipecat akibat logika perhitungan manajemen, dia sudah tidak produktif lagi, bahkan mungkin parasit; jadi dus perlu dipecat, dikembalikan ke kampung, begitu kan, ya tidak?"

-Mangunwijaya YB dalam Burung Burung Rantau.