there's so much going on
unspoken in the back
of the mind

July 26, 2021

My Reasons to Pursue a PhD

As a medical doctor, people (still) keep asking me why am I not practicing and be a REAL doctor in Indonesia instead of pursuing a PhD. On top of that, being a first generation international PhD is adding the burden. It is not easy at all. So why am I keep pursuing my degree? These are my honest reasons to do a PhD in epidemiology and you may or may not relate to it. It is more than okay if you don't.

1. Intellectual stimulation

My master's degree was great and from the top public health school in Germany, but it was also the one that got me wanting more. My hunger for intellectual stimulation started when I got in medical school and it has not stopped since.

2. For the love of research

During the third year in medical school, my mom diagnosed with breast cancer. Since then, I fell in love with oncology and cancer prevention research. I want to do impactful research that can help people preventing this disease.

3. To bring about a change

Well, it is not necessary to get a PhD to bring about a change. But for me, for an international student, to help people all over the globe - I needed tools that I felt I would get through a PhD.

Honestly, these were my only reasons. I did not know much what academia was about, how flexible it can or cannot be, how much money will I get, nothing. I only knew my love for research and trusted my ability to make it happen. And I take a leap of faith. I will always remember what my mom said, do what you feel for strongly.