there's so much going on
unspoken in the back
of the mind

March 25, 2013


I wanna fly away,
High...higher...and to be the highest eagle to fly in this rounded-planet, named earth. 
I wanna go across the distance,
Killing seconds, minutes and hours that i had left at this rounded-ticking thing, named clock.
I wanna run,
Fast...faster...and to be the fastest woman alive that could run in this compiling continents and islands, named world.
I wanna be just like a kite without nylon string that flew high at that blue sky above,with the helping of the blowing wind surround it,
Yeah, surely, I'll be that eagle-kite.

March 20, 2013


I lived in my imagination.
I construct it with my illusion.
I colour it with my memory.

I lived in my imagination.
I build my own blurry boundaries between what is real and unreal.
I create my own cycle that cannot be determined by time.

I lived in my imagination.
Often pretending to hug a surreal figure.
Embedded my self to my own fantasy land way behind my consciousness.

I lived in my imagination.
Playing in my own sandy box with my imaginary friend.
Singing along with arrhythmic tone.

I lived in my imagination.
Where i can hide in my own treasure box.
Bury it and guessing who will found me a decade from now.
This is surreal, this is unreal, this is a dream.

should i open this box and going out to retrace the reality?

March 17, 2013

Chapter 1.0: Introspection

This is another chapter of my life, with an underline title, named introspection.
"when light arosed at the early of your beautiful day, it must be dark covered it up in order to ended the day."
We lived in a multicolored world. Indeed our life is changing, like a kaleidoscopic color, which can only seen through a kaleidoscope. Sometimes it is fading out, becoming pale. Turned the multicolored to the monochrome. If you are the panchromatic person, you can really feel the changes, even a slight variegation.
It is like chromatic color turns to achromatic color.
Like us,
Indeed turns our life upside down. It is like a two-faced coin, we never know exactly when we'll be plunged into a hole named, mistake. The chromatic color-life that we lived in suddenly rolls down and causing us stuck in achromatic color-life. At that moment, we're covered up in silent. Sat quietly, mused. This is the chapter of our life, named introspection.
And yeahhh, i am now currently there. Living in this achromatic color, struggling to pull out my self from this hole. Still trying to color up my self.

March 16, 2013

Mau nasi goreng?

*tek tek tek tek* (tukang nasi goreng lewat depan rumah)
"Mau nasi goreng?"
"Nggak, kalo kamu yang masakin baru mau"
"Ngapa? Soswit?"
"Yaudah kalo ga soswit"
"Kita ga jelas mas"
"Yaudah yang penting aku ngomongan sama kamu, aku seneng"
"Hehe. Yang penting hubungan kita jelas"

Thank you for being my partner in crimemy motivator, my bestfriend, for being there for me anytime I need you, mas.
Thank you for being mine.


By the time I finally turned 30, I want to make my parents proud not for the quantity of money I could give them, but for the quality of person I’ve became. And that’s a promise that I’ll carry on my whole life with until I fulfill it.
- Melani Ratih M.

March 15, 2013

Go Ahead

I just realize a second ago, that we all, living things are trapped in a huge circular time dimension, named cycle.
although I did know it for years ago, but I just realize now, that what we've been through these times will be repeated but in different times and events. nothing will be the same,neither our age nor the people who used to be with us, but what will be happened is similar.
can you get it?
neither do I, I don't understand what I wrote, but sure I believed that im now trapped in a cycle of life. and I enjoy it :)