there's so much going on
unspoken in the back
of the mind

December 09, 2012

#edisi lagi belajar nulis agak bener

People can hope, and even they can imagine how it feels like when their dreams come true. But sometimes, life will turn it all around. 
There’s is a verse in the bible who said that,
”He has made everything right in its time; but He has made their hearts without knowledge, so that man is unable to see the works of God, from the first to the last.“ 
So I must say, Thank God. Everything that happens and happened to me, is all because of the power of God. Maybe some of you will think of that why is my writing becomes suddenly religious? Well, that’s God, He makes Miracle. Sometimes in some point, you won’t believe that everything is finally come to the right places, you doubt yourself.
Why? Because you think that you’re not worth it. Then again, that’s human. We can’t be heartless to think that even though we do good deeds almost everyday, every seconds in our life, but it isn’t good enough, well that just me. 
Someone just came into my life, well his already in my life for some times really. He taught me to not become a person who is not appreciate themselves, every person has the same chance to become great about them in their lifes.
Well, every single thing, every single person, and even every single problems can taught you a lot.
It’s your choice to show that you can, by your choices. Are you ready to continue your hopes and dreams, Or will it make you stop and feel sorry ‘bout your lifes?
Your choice.

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