there's so much going on
unspoken in the back
of the mind

October 11, 2014

Think the opposite, girl!

Whatever all ladies were thinking on their relationships, they were looking at it the wrong way. Ladies might feel secure by their intellectual capacity, independency, empathy, and caring attitude. But hey, those are not not something a guy would look for. At least, those are not the most important thing.

According to a guy I respect, guys look for comfort. They already handle stressful decisions throughout the day working, they don't need anymore arguments that would only show how intelligent the girl is, or any issues that force them to use the brain heavily. They need comforting conversations, they need not whines nor complicated story on how the girl dealt with her insecurities. 

So we might be dealing with this stuff wrong all along. 

The question I have yet been able to answer is the fact that ladies love to share a lot of things, including how her day went, or how frustrating the work was, etc. How do you then combine these two contrasting tendencies?

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