there's so much going on
unspoken in the back
of the mind

August 07, 2012

Think Big&Act Big

Possibility itu selalu ada, dan kadarnya bertambah seiring dengan usaha yang kita lakukan. Kalo cuma diem aja mengharap kesempatan datang di depan mata pun, kemungkinan tetap ada, tapi sangat kecil dan nggak tahu kapan.
Seiring bertambahnya umur, disadari atau enggak, pikiran jadi semakin realistis. Bisa dibentuk dari faktor lingkungan (keluarga dan teman), nilai-nilai sosial, cara kita menilai diri sendiri, dan pengalaman (best teacher). Berpikir realistis itu baik. Tapi kalo belom apa-apa udah membatasi diri with so many limits, we'll believe that things are really impossible. Kita juga bakal ngeluarin banyak excuse demi untuk nggak memulai sesuatu. Like, I'm too busy, it's too hard, I've failed before, etc. Padahal, we just have to start it and want it bad enough to actually achieve it.
Everything starts from a dream.
Nah disini letak permasalahannya. Mimpi. Semua orang bisa bermimpi. To have a great dream is damn easy, anyone can put their amazing dreams into their plans blanket. But they often forget to have struggle to make it real. They just want, but no effort's consisted. And, the higher your dream is, the more expensive you'll cost. Not about money, but the sacrifice.
I'm telling myself about these too :').
It’s good to be both a starter and finisher. But, it’s difficult to be both, so if you have to pick, choose to finish. Choose to show up every day until the job is done. Choose the pursuit that appears more boring on the surface, but has richer rewards in its depth. Choose to stick with a plan even if it isn’t paying out immediately. Choose to be consistent. Choose to be a FINISHER.
Don't be afraid to think big dan jangan ndengerin kata orang lain yang bilang "nggak mungkin" ke kita. They have set their own limit, not ours.
The possibility is there, you just have to try and work on it. Dengan konsistensi, serius, nggak ada yang nggak mungkin.
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'.

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